Collaborations and communities
I love being part of communities and working collaboratively
Together with Ali Meghji, I co-founded the Catalysts for Decolonisation research lab at the University of Cambridge Centre for Research in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, a place of transdisciplinary inquiry into all things colonialism, colonitality, anticolonialism & decoloniality across the globe.
I am a co-organiser of the international, trans-institutional Race, Empire and Education Collective where I sometimes facilitate reading group sessions and help run our social media presence
I am a member of the Politics of Representation Collective where I work with colleagues from across institutions to promote conversations about representation, research ethics and different forms of politics. We are currently co-editing a Special Issue in the Identities Journal.
I am part of the Knowledge, Power, Politics research group at the University of Cambridge
I was a Research Assistant on the ESRC-funded Universities & Crisis project (2021-2023). On this project, I worked with colleageus to make sense of the constructed 'crises' and government interventions in UK Higher Education. Two publications came out of this work, one in the British Journal of Sociology and one in Current Sociology.